
Jun 15, 2022

Whiplash injury- we’ve all heard it but do we all know what it means? Whiplash injury is often thought about with car accidents, but there are many more causes that can lead to this injury. Whiplash injuries can be seen with sports accidents, falls, and traumatic head injuries. The mechanism of injury is caused by the forceful back-and-forth movement of the head and neck. Whiplash injuries can also be thought of as a sprain/strain injury to the neck. While the ligaments and tendons are often injured, there is also the possibility of injuring bones, discs, and nerves. These types of injuries can lead to a number of symptoms including neck pain, neck stiffness, pain with certain movements, lack of range of motion, headaches, and tingling in the arms. It can be hard to predict how long symptoms will last as there are a multitude of components that play a role. Your healing time is most likely going to take longer if you have had a previous whiplash injury, are older in age, have existing neck pain, have existing anatomical neck problems, or if the speed and force of the injury was greater. But not to fret, whiplash injury can be treated!

Based on the severity of the injury, all practitioners in our office can be of help and get you moving normally and without pain. Come visit us at Arvada Sport and Spine Group to see how we can help!

