Medical, Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Blog

When I was asked to write a piece on a recent story about a man who was hospitalized and diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, I decided to take the topic one step further. Instead of just talking about one guy and one condition, I figured this would be a great opportunity to cover a broader topic and discuss the Do's and Don'ts of beginning a new exercise program or increasing the intensity of your current program. So first off, since I was kindly asked, let's talk about this wild story. A man named … Read More

image from About 80% of us will experience some form of back pain in our lives. In the US, we will spend between 38 and 50...wait for it...billion dollars on low back pain this year alone; the heaviest hitter being the 300,000 surgeries performed annually, the 3rd most common form of surgery in the US. Sadly, studies show a very low percentage of people who consult their primary care provider for low back pain are referred by their provider to physical therapy or chiro… Read More

Image from doctorgetwell.orgFirst and foremost, on behalf of Dr. Welling and myself, I'd like to welcome you all to our new blog with this being our very first post. Our plan is for this to be a great resource for the Arvada community and beyond to read about, learn, and discuss any and all topics related to physical health and wellness. Future posts may be about low back pain, running, common sports injuries, posture, nutrition, and many others. Dr. Welling and I plan to periodically post on po… Read More