Are You Dizzy and You Don’t Know Why?
August 03, 2020The vestibular symptom is a sensory system that tell us if we are moving, where our head is positioned and gives us spatial orientation. This is important for us to keep our balance and posture, particularly while we are moving. The vestibular system is comprised of fluid filled canals and organs in our inner ear. Crystals located in the inner ear, which are normally held in place, may become loose and dislodged into one of the canals. When there is a change in fluid density or change in the flow of the fluid within the canals, we will experience things like dizziness, nausea and unsteadiness with head movement in a particular direction. You will often hear the term vertigo to describe this sensation.
Leaky Gut
February 24, 2020If you battle with gastrointestinal discomfort, brain fog, hormone imbalances, mood swings, poor sleep, bloating, pain, fatigue, or consistently just don’t feel your best, it may be coming from your gut. It’s called Leaky Gut Syndrome. Not to worry though. This is actually more common than people think, but it is much less commonly talked about. Instead of running to medication for a reduction of symptoms there’s another answer to help decrease and heal some of these systemic conditions.